Sadhav Shipping Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Sadhav Shipping Limited
Open Date 23-02-2024
Close Date 27-02-2024
Exchange NSE SME
Lot Size 1,200 Shares
Issue Price ₹ 95 per share
Issue Size 40,18,800 shares
Application Amount ₹ 1,14,000
Recommendation Apply
Sadhav Shipping Limited was originally incorporated in the year 1996 and has its registered office in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The company owns and operates marine assets to service ports, coastal logistics and other port maritime related services. SSL owns and operates 24 vessels that includes 19 owned vessels and 5 rented vessels, in various sectors of maritime trade in India. Sadhav Shipping Limited was the first to setup and operate India’s first Port based Tier 1 Oil Spill Response Centre in Mumbai and are now operating in most of the Major Ports in India. As of March 31st, 2023, the Company had 421 employees on its payroll.
(Read more on the review)

Summary of Financials (All financials in lakhs)

For the Period Ended Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23 Sept-23
Total Assets 6,117.65 6,909.44 11,483.18 13,113.48
Net Assets 3,205.61 3,503.51 4,094.46 4,501.43
Total Borrowings 1,776.05 2,083.07 5,527.45 6,681.84
Total Revenue 6,123.67 6,977.94 7,890.59 3,385.69
Profit After Tax 330.77 300.93 775.43 406.98

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 23-02-2024
Closing Date 27-02-2024
Basis of Allotment 28-02-2024
Initiation of Refunds 29-02-2024
Credit of Shares to Demat 29-02-2024
Listing Date 01-03-2024

Objects of the Issue

Repayment / Prepayment, in part or full of certain outstanding borrowings availed by the company.
Part funding of Capital Expenditure to Purchase/ Acquire additional Boats/ vessels.
Additional Working Capital Requirement.
General corporate purposes.

Contact Information

Registered Office Sadhav Shipping Limited - 521 5th Floor, Loha Bhavan, P.Dʹmello Road, Masjid (East), Mumbai - 400009
Phone +91 ‐22‐40003355

Registrar Details

Name Maashitla Securities Private Limited
Phone +91-11-45121795-96

IPO Reservation

Market Maker Shares Offered 5.05%
Other Shares Offered 47.48%
Retail Shares Offered 47.48%

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue(Promoters) 96.44%
Share Holding Post Issue(Promoters) 69.44%

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