Incorporated in 2022, Sai Swami Metals and Alloys Limited has its registered office in Ahmedabad, Daskroi, Gujarat, India. The company incorporated with the object to acquire and take over the running business of sole proprietorship as a going concern carried by the promoter in the name and style as ‘Steel Kraft Industries’.The company is involved in the trading and marketing of a comprehensive array of stainless steel products, addressing the diverse needs of discerning customers. The company is also engaged in trading of basic raw materials like S.S. Patta, S.S. Sheet, S.S. Coil, S.S. Scrap, S.S.
Pipe, M.S. Round (Mild Steel Round) and M.S. beam. As of March 31, 2024, the company had a total of 7 employees on a consolidated basis on its payroll.
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