Capital Market – Equity Raising
For business growth, every MSME enterprise needs growth capital. Our detailed knowledge of regulatory requirement and experience and expertise in procedural aspect of handling equity raising transaction enables us to render seamless support to MSME Enterprise having the growth potential. We advisory is not only limited to equity raising transaction and mobilizing the required growth capital from the investors but to support the MSME Client on long term basis with continuous business and growth advisory, ensuring all regulatory compliances and disclosures, connecting the Client with right type of long-term investors whose investment philosophy and objectives are matching with the business goals of the Client.
Our services includes:
- Equity Raising thru SME IPO: Advisory, Support and Listing
- Follow on Public Offer
- Right Issue
- Preferential Allotment
- Migration to Main Board
- Direct Listing / Delisting
- Buy Back of Shares
- Compliance as per LODR and other SEBI Guidelines